Friday, July 21, 2017

Relationship Building

Relationship Building
     A wise person told me that the job of principal was mostly public relations. Realistically, it can never pan out that way, but “making connections” always goes a long way in building relationships. One little conversation can change attitude into positive perception. Occasionally during evening events, I would sit in the lobby of our school and start conversations with people I never met. These same people would sometimes be surprised that I was the principal and took the time to have a conversation.
     Perception is one reason we need to release ourselves from the follower model. When a person thinks they are more important than someone else, relationships are hard to realize. When you take the time to connect, team synergy will take you places you never thought possible. There is enough leadership for everyone. One of the only ways to build more leaders is to empower the people around you through honest communication.
     A former student sent me a message on social media the other day. It’s always great to hear the gratitude they have for their teachers. It’s always nice to know that they take creative risks. It’s always great to see how they interpreted their opportunity for leadership.
     Anyway, this student is a physician-scientist in training (not surprising considering her hard work, commitment, and leadership). Her message: “Hey Dr. R.! I wake up every day and remember that ‘attitude is a choice!’ Choose to be great! Onward and upward!”
   Wow! I cannot wait to see what she does next. Keep climbing!
In the end, you are who you want to be.


  1. Hi! Thanks for the great information you havr provided! You have touched on crucuial points!

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