Friday, September 11, 2015

Gratitude Part 10 - Year 11 - Most of your amazing days involve some form of gratitude.

Year 11 - Most of your amazing days involve some form of gratitude.
Hi Frank,
I wanted to wait at least a day before bombarding you with requests for your presentation. I am at EHT High School, and we are currently starting a Renaissance program and some of your ideas I thought could transfer to the high school level. To be honest just your attitude and your staff’s attitude were refreshing!
When you get a moment I would really appreciate a copy of that presentation.
Thank you!
Hi Frank,
It was great to be in school today. I am already excited for September. I just completed reading and answering the questions posed in the Companion Lifebook for 50 Great Things Leaders Do. It was a great way to reflect on my leadership ability. Thanks for taking the time to write this. I know that many people will benefit from it.
Good Morning!
I enjoyed your presentation in Orlando!
Can I get a copy of your PowerPoint? I would love to use some of the thoughtful and funny quotes you had in your presentation.
Thanks so much!
EA (Temecula, CA)
Hi Frank,
I just wanted to thank you for coming to our school! I am so excited to being Renaissance to our high school. I truly think it is exactly the missing link and it will bring all stakeholders together. I have already had several staff members come to my office to say how inspired they were by the speaker, how they can be a part, and boast it was one of the best in-services ever. Thank you for your time and dedication.
Thank you,
Handwritten Card:
Thank you so much for speaking to my staff. We got so much out of your presentation. Belhaven is so lucky to have you as their principal. I hope you have a great year!
BC- principal
Hey Frank,
Please know that I find your work and efforts to be very inspirational and I hope that I am just as effective as you are when I get to that position.
Thank you!
Dear Dr. R.,
There are so many people involved in making a child’s time at school impactful that it is often hard to thank everyone properly. Parents make an effort to send emails or notes to teachers and even bake for “teacher appreciation week.” Sometimes, however, the person that makes everything happen goes as somewhat the unsung hero. This is you!
You work so hard at what you do, and you have so much drive for what you believe in, and for the right reason, “the good of the children.” These traits, perhaps above all, show a tremendously valuable example to all the children. Talent may be internal or even taught by an ambitious parent, teacher, or coach but in the end hard work, dedication and integrity will carry an individual far in success and happiness.
I wanted to take a minute to thank you personally for all that you do and for inviting me to help with Renaissance a bit this year, I am blessed with two wonderful children and the fact that they are thriving at your school has to be at least thanks to you. Renaissance is a fantastic addition to a great group of teachers who give so much of themselves to help develop into fantastic people. A child’s school experience and therefore the people who guide them there all year long is a major importance to their future. It’s very serious business that requires a lot of heart, dedication and hard work. So, please thank your team as well.
Don’t hesitate to call. I look forward to next year!
Warm regards,
THANK YOU, Frank! Personally I have seen you speak many times but each time it inspires me to put forth a better attitude I my personal and professional life.
Even though it’s only been one month into the school year, I needed to be “re-inspired”, so thank you!
Handwritten Letter:
Dr. R.,
Thank you so much for how you run our school! You
made this fun because you are super enthusiastic. You also always come to our classrooms. Thanks for all you do,
Dear Dr. R.,
Hello, my name is Dennis. I really appreciate want you have dome for our school. , thank you for all the events. Some other schools are unlucky. They don’t have a principal like you. You’re probably the only principal on the east coast that goes into every room and says, “good morning and good afternoon.”
We appreciate you because you are a principal to remember. .
Dennis, 6th Grade
Dr. Rudnesky,
Attached is a college essay I wrote for my English class. The topic I chose was someone who has made a significant impact on your life. My teacher and I both thought it would be a good idea to share it with you.
Hope all is well with you and Belhaven! In the fall I will be attending AC Community College and will work on becoming an EMT/Paramedic. I’m very excited to get started.
I hope you enjoy my essay!

     Everyone has that someone that made a positive impact on their lives. Some say their parents or a family member. However, as much as they have inspired me, I would like to go out of the box and choose my middle school principal. Dr. Frank Rudnesky, the principal of Belhaven Middle School inspired all the students going through the school each and every day throughout their stay, including me. He’d always say, “Let’s get fired up!”
     It was my first day of fifth grade, the first day of middle school. It was more than just that though. It was my first day with all new people. I had just moved to this new town and didn’t know anyone. Dr. Rudnesky started a program with the fifth graders where he would not only have our teachers, but upperclassmen as well greet us outside to get us all excited about starting a new school. Through him doing this, I was introduced to my new English teacher and made a few new friends. Dr. r. found a way to introduce everyone to each other and even make some worries vanish. I’ve become a little more open to new things since that day and although change is not my preference, I learned it can easily be accepted. I also hope that I can one day open other's minds as well to new things.
     One of Dr. R.’s biggest motivators was telling us all to raise the bar. “Expect a lot from yourself or no one else will.” Being the best we could be was in a way, expected throughout middle school, although still a choice. If we choose to do the bare minimum then that was your decision, but if we decided to exceed each and every self-accomplishment then we showed ourselves that hard work really does pay off. I saw it with my own eyes after I accomplished personal goals, from something as simple as studying for an English test, to things at greater levels such as winning second place at eh science fair, or graduating middle school. Keeping that in the back of my mind has brought me far and will continue to take me to better places.
     As elementary as it sounds, one of the lessons I’ve taken away from Dr. Rudnesky is, “If you see something on the floor, pick it up.” when you take the time to stop and look around at the floor in a public place, including the school, at how much stuff is on the floor, you’d be surprised……
Most people can’t say their principal inspired them to do much more than stay out of their office. I consider myself fortunate to have been introduced to Dr. R. There are countless lessons that I’ve learned from him and that I know my peers have also taken away as well. I’ve learned to be a better person through his encouragement and strive to be all that I can be. Like he always said, “Work hard, be successful, have fun!”, and because of him, I always will.


  1. I love everything about this. Of course you deserve the praise, but you are smart enough to listen to it and use it to drive you to do even more. It is so easy to become discouraged. Many greats have fallen to the pressures of living up to their own success and their own expectations. They key to fortitude is to allow others to buoy your spirit. keep on keeping on.

    1. Thanks, Paige. Success is relative. Rest is not an option. People reaching heights and doing things they never thought possible have always inspired me. Without parameters and toxicity, I will be able to take a skill set to places never before imagined.
