Wednesday, March 28, 2018

5 Highlights- The Noblest Profession of All

5 Highlights- The Noblest Profession of All  

This past week, I had the opportunity and privilege to speak to a group of preservice teachers at a symposium. As expected, they were young, anxious, and apprehensive. From the time I walked into the door, I was obligated to let them know their importance: “Thank you for entering the noblest profession of all- education. However, it’s also the best kept secret that education is the noblest profession of all.”


Five Highlights of my speech:

It’s important to follow your passion no matter where it takes you.

Although it was not my first career choice, my passion and my “calling” meandered its way to education. Magic was my first career out of the University of San Francisco: A street magician and eventually a magic shop owner. Because the shop was seasonal, I became a substitute teacher to keep busy. That is where I found my purpose as a difference maker. At a principal’s urging, I entered a teaching program and found my path; two roads diverged in the wood and I; I took the one to greatness. Fear mediocrity! (By the way, magic is still a passion. You can have more than one.)

Climate and Culture

Everyone needs to be given the opportunity for leadership. As soon as you enter the profession of education, you must accept your role as a leader. Happy people outperform unhappy people. Get to that happy place.

Every student is important. You should make every student feel like he or she is your favorite. Sometimes it’s easy to build relationships and sometimes it takes more effort.

Allowing students to have a voice is a key to success in addition to many failures. Fine-tune the process and never become complacent.

We need to promote the Heretics, Disrupters, and Outliers 

What we do now as educators will not look the same in ten years. It cannot. Be the teacher you want to become. Do not wait until you have tenure or a masters degree or acceptance. You must create a place that encourages calculated, creative risks. When you try methods against the norm, you will find alternate methods of success. Your students will find them, too. They need a voice and so do you as a young teacher. Every classroom should be created for invention.

How do you want people to talk about you at the dinner table?

Make it a point to eat with your family. Unfortunately, our full schedules disallow us the pleasure to talk as much as we like. When that does happen, how do you want your students to talk about you to their family? How do you talk about your students to your family? Build your legacy now by connecting in a positive way.

Love your students

Unconditional love is a lot like unconditional leadership. There will be days when you do not like your students, and they may not like you but you must love them. They need to know it’s unconditional. Start strong with your heart on fire. Finish stronger with your heart still on fire. Pass your passion! Stay fired up about the noblest profession of all: education.

To get more Fired Up! go to 

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