Thursday, January 9, 2020

Leadership Lessons from The Rise of Skywalker

Leadership Lessons from The Rise of Skywalker
It was 1977, and I was standing beside my car at the Bridgeton Drive-In. We stared at the humongous movie screen and cheered with the anticipation of the well-documented special effects. The birth of the first Star Wars trilogy initiated curiosity, inspiration, and imagination that spanned five decades.
Little did Luke and Leia know where the twists and turns of their lives would take them. Similarly, I didn’t know where my path would lead on the journey I chose in my life. As Luke Skywalker grew older and wiser over the last forty-two years, so did I. Was my destiny fulfilled? I am still working on my legacy as I continue to chase and catch my dreams.
Becoming a Jedi Master does not seem possible for me at this point but I had that vision over the years. My storied journey would fill every bit of those nine movies that the Star Wars saga encompassed. Just as Luke and Leia made choices over that time span, so would I have choices to make that shaped my destiny. Every opportunity has opportunity cost.
It was with mixed emotions that I attended the latest installment. Allegedly, Episode Nine closed out this three-trilogy journey. My journey moves forward.
These are some of the life lessons that Star Wars gave me and all of us (in no particular order):
Leadership – We have to create more leaders. If we continue with the follower model, we will not reach our own leadership potential. Because I am the father of two daughters, the realization that we need more positive, female role models is common sense. The strength, knowledge, and intelligence of Leia and Rey set examples for all of us. It changes the perception of who my daughters are and who they can become.
Diversity – Surround yourself with people that are not like you. It gives you a new paradigm. Great leaders come in all shapes and sizes. So do bad leaders.
Acceptance – Stereotypes and judgment create toxic environments. They steal your identity. Let people be themselves. Never allow anyone to tell you cannot accomplish something.
The whole person – take care of yourself and the people around you. Balance in “body, mind, heart and spirit” will allow you to reach your full potential. It will permit you to be the person you want around you. Always be the best you.
Commitment – A life lived comes with sacrifice. Decide your level of commitment. It will be a difference maker.
Hard work – Success in the long term takes hard work. It takes goal setting and a plan. There are no shortcuts.
Integrity – In the end, you are who you want to be. Doing the right thing can be hard especially when other people are doing the wrong thing but it can also be easy. “Everyone else is doing it” is never an excuse.
You know the difference between right and wrong (listen to the voice) – enough said.
Choose your friends wisely – Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself. People that continually talk about people behind their backs, will talk about you when you are not around. Be with people that make you better.
These are just a few observations. There are many more. These movies gave the world what it needs: hope.
“Do or do not. There is no try.”

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